Friday, January 1, 2010

The little engine that could

I can’t believe I’ve been in Abkhazia for nearly 4 months! This means that I have less than 3 months left in the field.
It also means I only have 99 days left to prepare for the Paris marathon!
Apparently, I should be wearing a heart rate monitor! The good news is I only need 12 weeks to train.
Our new field coordinator, a former runner who has trained people for marathons informed me of this. She ran the Paris marathon in less than 3½ hours!
If I do it in sub-four I will be more than satisfied. She said that when you’re training your resting heart rate will noticeably decrease. Hers went from 60 to around 47. Mine has been consistent at 60 even though I have been on a progressive running schedule for the past 3 months. This is how I know I am not training properly.

I have to remember the little engine that could: I think I can, I think I can!!!

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